Not that we should really have to give you a bunch of reasons, this is just one more.

If it doesn't look like Jack Daniels and it doesn't smell like Jack Daniels, you probably shouldn't taste it to see if it, indeed, is not Jack Daniels. And while we don't know if any customers of Blackpool, England's local homeless dude, Nicholas Stewart, "tested the waters" by taking a swig from full Jack Daniels bottles he was selling in a slot machine complex, we really hope they didn't!

For her sake I hope that cap was still sealed...
For her sake I hope that cap was still sealed...

See, when you buy a bottle of liquor for $15, a price that's cheaper than actual liquor stores sell it for, there's a more than decent chance you're not drinking anything with alcohol in it. Actually, I take that back. You might be drinking alcohol, but it was probably filtered through someone's kidneys and stored in their bladder, or worse, first. That was the case for those who bought said bottles from Mr. Stewert. His mixed-to-perfection concoction looked like JD because it was a blend of water and his poop and pee!!! Yeah, he was passing off bottles of whiz and wank water!

This isn't the first time Nicholas has been in trouble for passing off his piss as liquor. Upon several complaints, police took him into custody, charged him with fraud and gave him a 70 day suspended jail sentence. Really? Only 70 days, suspended at that, for tricking people into buying dooky drink?

Check the rest of the story out here (HuffingtonPost).


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