Based on the weather we've had over the past couple months, it's definitely been a weird spring here in Rochester. We've had some days that were flat out beautiful...before the entire ground was covered in snow less than 24 hours later. We've had rain, we've had hail, we've had wind, and we've had even more snow. I'm still not courageous enough to put away my winter coat. I remember how cocky I was about the weather back in March, and I'm not falling for that again.

But I'm pleased to report to my fellow residents of Rochester that summer may have finally arrived here in Southeast Minnesota. In fact, this might be the surest sign yet that the snowflakes are finally behind us. Why is that? Because check out what I just spotted happening in downtown Rochester...

Credit: TSM Rochester
Credit: TSM Rochester

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The snowflakes are officially gone! And you know what that means...summer is 100% here in Minnesota! There's absolutely NO WAY we're getting more snow until at least December, right?



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