4 Weird Things that Are Illegal to Do in Minnesota
Obviously, we have laws to protect ourselves and others, and to keep our towns safe and clean. But there are some laws in place that are just strange. You may actually be guilty of doing one or more of these things that are illegal to do in Minnesota!
There are some weird laws that have gone around that are not true or aren't laws anymore. One of the more popular ones is that it's illegal to cross the border into Wisconsin with a chicken on your head (false). Another is that it's illegal to play bingo at nursing homes more than two times per week in Minnesota. That one was actually a law but it was voted out in 2015.

Here are some things that, according to my research, truly are illegal to do in Minnesota:
This is also known as loitering. Minnesota Fun Facts says that if you loiter by a building or someone else's property (home, car, etc.) without their permission or without a good reason for being there, it's technically illegal.
Seriously. Nicolet Law writes that if your vehicle deposits dirt, mud, sticky substance, litter, or other materials in Minnetonka that is considered illegal.
Turns out it's illegal to sleep naked in Minneapolis, even if you're all by yourself. This is according to Discover Walks and they write that it's likely due to "municipal laws against indecent exposure [that] led to the creation of this regulation."
I found this one on Only In Your State. I'm not even sure how you'd drive with your car in neutral. But I know someone who once had to put their car in neutral at stops and rev the engine, otherwise, it would stall out. Maybe that's technically illegal too...
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