If you've lived in Minnesota long enough chances are you've mistakenly used some of these words or phrases.

If you are visiting Minnesota you are likely to hear some of the locals use some of these.

So let's do a little test. How many of these words and phrases have you spoken out loud a time or two?

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong...

1. “Suppos-ab-ly” - It's “Suppos-ed-ly” no “ab” in it.

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

2. “Irregardless” - There is no “Irr” in it. It's “Regardless”

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

3. “EX-presso” - It's “ES-presso” no X involved.

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

4. “EX-Cetera” - Again no X involved. It's ET-Ceterea.

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

5. “For All Intensive Purposes” - the phrase is “For All Intents and Purposes”.

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

6. “I COULD Care Less” - The phrase is “I COULDN'T Care Less”. Cuz if you could care less you would.

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

7. “I Need To LAY Down” - It's LIE Down. Lay: To put or place. Lie: Rest or Recline.

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

So how did you do? Wrong or right I guess it doesn't "especially" matter. ;-)

7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock
7 Words and Phrases Many Minnesotans Say Wrong-Getty Thinkstock

Iowa Palmer Company's Twin Bing Products

Can you even really claim to live in this part of the country if you've never had a Twin Bing?


"It consists of two round, chewy, cherry-flavored nougats coated with a mixture of chopped peanuts and chocolate. The Twin Bing was introduced in the 1960s," -Wikipedia

Not only has the TB been a staple of the Sioux Empire for over half a decade, but the makers of the classic candy have also infused the unique cherry and chocolate flavor into lots of other things.

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