8 Years Ago, I Got a Call that Changed my Life
I will never forget the day. I replay it in my head all the time. I remember it so vividly. Seeing the number flash across the screen. "Holy crap! This is it! Answer it! Answer it!"
Before that call came, I felt I had taken a step back in my life path. I had a great radio job, benefits, an apartment I loved and incredible friends. All of that was taken away from me so suddenly when the economy crashed in 2008. Here I was with a crap ton of student debt and no job. I packed my whole life in a suitcase and moved to a city I knew nothing about, and a year later, it was over. Now what?
I moved home. What else does one do when they are so completely lost? I started working the same job I had as a student that I thought I was done with. My career was over. I felt like my life was going nowhere. I worked so hard in college and had so much confidence that the broadcasting field was for me that I had NO backup plan.
I was lost for what seemed like a lifetime. That is until I found out about a job in the field I love, and so close to home! Four months later, everything changed with this phone call.
This phone call was everything. In this moment with barely any phone signal in the small valley that I called home, I'm standing next to a door with the phone held high above my head on speaker so I could hear. On the line was my soon-to-be boss. I got it! Dunken and Samm in the morning - I like it! Working for a station that I grew up listening to, how cool. I was in complete shock. Me, a morning show personality. I didn't see that coming. Here it is. My opportunity. My foot back in the door.
How 8 years have passed since that day is beyond me. Especially because I'm still 22, so I'm not sure how it's even possible. ;)
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