Bigfoot Sighting Reported In Secluded Part Of Wisconsin
Here's something spooky in honor of October: there's been another Bigfoot sighting in Wisconsin! This sighting somehow slipped under the radar, having happened in the spring earlier this year.
Bigfoot, or Sasquatch as he is better known, has been popping up in headlines a lot lately. Around this time last year, a woman was camping in Jay Cooke State Park when she heard a loud, one-tone noise she hadn't heard before. She says it was Bigfoot, who also allegedly left a handprint on her car window.
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Perhaps even spookier than that? Earlier this month, a couple traveling by train through Colorado noticed something out the window. They captured what looks like the creature on video and it is probably the most convincing evidence out there that the monster might actually exist. (Some say it is part of a future production.)

Now, we have an even more local sighting, given the fact this happened in Wisconsin. The Bigfoot Field Researcher's Organization posted the sighting and more details on it, stating that the sighting happened on May 28th of this year.
The sighting happened in Oconto County, Wisconsin near Peshtigo Brook State Wildlife Area. If you are familiar with the area, you may want to know the exact location: the intersection of Peshtigo Brook Road and North Branch Road near Highway 32.
This happened early in the morning, between seven and eight a.m. The person who reported the sighting says it happened in a 'mostly wooded swamp' near a river. As for the Bigfoot sighting, the local says:
As I near the corner I saw a black and brown large figure of a man that I thought may have been someone that broke down on the trail [...] I stopped at the corner as I could not believe what I was looking at. Trying to wrap my head around it and convince myself it was a man as it was walking on two legs and had taken from what I saw about 10 steps toward me. However, there was no sound, no yelling for help or waving of the arms and no human colored skin. It was in fact a dark black and brown figure with large legs even at the base towards the feet.
After the brief sighting, the creature went into a ditch and disappeared, never to be seen again. It was also sunny and bright at the time, and the person who saw the creature regrets not taking a picture. They say they were in too much shock and it happened too fast, which is understandable.
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The local even went back to look for any evidence, but because it was a busy time of the year, any evidence was trampled over. What do you think - does Bigfoot live in this secluded part of Wisconsin?
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Gallery Credit: Stacker
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