Instant Pot Multicooker Recall – Check Your Model Number!
The Instant Pot was a very popular gift this last Christmas. If you got one of the kitchen appliances, you need to check your model number. The company has issued a recall because some models have a defect that could cause them to melt which is obviously a fire hazard.
The recall involves one of Instant Pot's 14 models, the Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker. Check for one of these five batch codes on your model: 1728, 1730, 1731, 1734 and 1746.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says around 104,000 units are affected. The recalled units were sold exclusively at Walmart. The CPSC website urges customers to act immediately: "Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled multicookers, unplug the unit and return it to Walmart to receive a free replacement."
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