Is This Really Minnesota’s Favorite Candy?
If you're guessing that it's Snickers, chocolate or M&M's, you are way off. Believe it or not, this is Minnesota's favorite candy...
Tootsie Pops!
What?! No way! I mean, I like Tootsie Pops, but the top selling candy in Minnesota? That surprised me. The other two that round off the top 3 surprised me even more. The second favorite is Skittles, followed by Almond Joys (ewwww).
Wisconsin and Iowa are more on point! In Wisconsin, the top selling candy are Starbursts, while Iowa is hoarding Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (my absolute favorite).
It's expected that Americans will spend nearly $3-billion on Halloween Candy this year.
What is your favorite Halloween candy?
To see the favorite candy in other states, click here.
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