NBC Show Pokes Fun At Northern Wisconsin
If you are reading this from Wisconsin, you may want to take a deep breath because the Cheesehead State has been shamed on national television! I was watching an early season of Chicago PD over the weekend when I heard the diss. I had to rewind and watch it again to make sure I wasn't imaging things.
The show takes place in Chicago, hence the name, which means sometimes other parts of the midwest are mentioned or brought up in storylines. The show follows a group of elite cops in the Intelligence unit and in this case, two of them are secretly dating and talking about their future.
From there, many different stereotypes are mentioned. Everything from cheese curds to mosquitoes to fishing comes into play here. The conversation takes place over two different scenes, one at the beginning of the episode and another about thirty minutes in. Things definitely get shady!
Maybe someone in the writers room isn't a fan of Wisconsin or maybe they have it out for the Green Bay Packers? Either way, I get a laugh any time Minnesota or Wisconsin gets a shoutout on a show like this, even if it isn't flattering. It's kind of fun!

Need a good laugh? The Wisconsin-centric conversation goes as follows, beginning with one of the cops named Jay telling his fellow cop Erin about some fun family history, with things really taking a turn from there:
Jay: It's an actual log cabin that housed the workers in the '20s, who built the dam downriver. My grandfather bought it and he hired a team of mules to pick it up and drag it a mile up the river, and place it down next to the water's edge.
Erin: This is in Wisconsin?
Jay: Yeah. Great fishing. Musky. Largemouth.
Erin: Mosquitoes?
Jay: Like birds but it's a great place to retire.
Erin: I'm not living in Northern Wisconsin.
Jay: I don't remember asking you.
Another member of the unit named Antonio walks in and gets dragged into the drama. He also gets in the biggest dig at Northern Wisconsin! Ouch!
Erin: Antonio, would you ever live in Northern Wisconsin?
Antonio: Yeah. Snowmobiling, ice fishing, meth labs. It's paradise.
That's not even the last of it. Near the end of the episode, the duo pick up the conversation right where they left off, with Jay saying they don't have to live in Northern Wisconsin but could use it as a nice summer retreat in the future, saying "bald eagles fly around" to try and sway her terrible opinion.
Erin asks if the smell of cheese curds scare them away before having a change of heart, saying it actually is a nice thought. People in Wisconsin do eat more than just cheese curds AND someone from the state really ticked off a writer on this show, huh? This episode came out in 2015 so maybe they have come around since then.
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