Old Farmer’s Almanac January 2023 Prediction for Southeast Minnesota
Is anyone else ready for winter to be over? It's getting to be about that time when I'm getting sick of the snow. Actually, if the snow was light, fluffy, and pretty I'd be less upset. This weather we've had in southeast Minnesota recently has been nasty! But, of course, winter isn't over yet and the Old Farmer's Almanac has their winter weather prediction for this month.
Old Farmer's Almanac January 2023 Prediction
I'm not pleased with the Old Farmer's Almanac's prediction mainly because they have snow in their prediction. No S, of course we'll have snow, but like I said, I'm so over this gross snow we've had recently so hopefully this month we get pretty snow!
Weather Prediction for Southeast Minnesota, January 2023
The Old Farmer's Almanac prediction splits the month up into 5 chunks. The first chunk was January 1-5th so that's already over. Here's what we can look forward to for the rest of the month.
January 5th - 13th: They say it'll be "very cold" with snow in the eastern part of the state and sunny skies in the west.
January 14th - 17th: Sunny but cold.
January 18th - 23rd: More snow in the eastern part of Minnesota, flurries in the west and still cold.
January 24th - 31st: Snow showers and "frigid".
They also predict that the average temperature this month will be around 8.5 degrees.
Just no more blizzards, please and thanks!