Someone Created Fake GoFundMe Account in the Name of Baby McKenna
It seems there's truly no limit to how low some people will go these days...
This is just plain sick. I can't believe someone would create a fake page and try to benefit from such a horrible tragedy. Word got out over Mother's Day weekend (of all weekends) that someone had created a fake GoFundMe account in precious baby McKenna Hovenga's name. Thankfully, one of the thousands of people following the "Healing for McKenna" page on Facebook alerted her parents and it has since been shut down:
The family has shared their address if you'd like to send them other things like cards, clothes, blankets or toys: "Healing for McKenna" PO Box 308 Shell Rock, Iowa USA 50670. E-gift cards may also be sent to healingformckenna@gmail.com
Speaking of Mother's Day, it was on Sunday that her mother finally got to hold McKenna for the first time since she was admitted... a blessed Mother's Day gift if there ever was one!
It'll be three weeks tomorrow since the child was struck in the head by a softball at her father's game. She's certainly had her mix of good days and bad, but we can all be thankful she's surrounded by the best care in the world in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unity at Mayo Clinic's St. Marys Hospital.
Keep fighting McKenna, you have an army of people all over the world praying for you!
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