Students in La Crosse, Wisconsin Receive Surprise from Kevin on ‘The Office’ (VIDEO)

It is day 11 of my daughter being quarantined and stuck in her room at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. Today was a good day though because she got a surprise from an actor on one of her favorite shows - Kevin from "The Office".
If you haven't heard, the students staying in the dorms at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse are sheltering in place for 14 days to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Their numbers of positive cases were getting quite high and the rooms that were set aside in a dorm were almost at capacity. As a parent, it was a bit unsettling and you can read a bit more about the whole experience here.
I miss my kiddo and know she is extremely bored. I would be too if I was stuck in my room for 14 days in a row! To help with the boredom we've been chatting a lot on the phone and she's been telling us about the fun stuff going on at the campus...at least, the fun stuff she can see from her dorm window. There has been a fun hangman game happening with post-it notes that she can see on other dorm windows. She said that someone has even created some pretty amazing chalk drawings and messages on the sidewalks outside her dorm to help cheer everyone up.
The best surprise that she got though was from Kevin Malone from "The Office". Ok, it wasn't actually Kevin, but it was the actor who played him on the show. A fun video was created and put up on the La Crosse County Health Department Facebook Page. You can see it here...
I absolutely love that this message by Kevin happened for the students and everyone in the area! Whoever made that happen...Thank You!
If you can keep your fingers crossed and send a few prayers that my kiddo can actually leave her room at 5 pm on Sunday, I'd appreciate it.
Now, the county where the city of La Crosse is located is asking people not to visit due to the large number of positive COVID-19 cases in their area. That announcement that threw people in a tizzy can be read here. I was hoping to see my baby girl Sunday night and surprise her too but I guess we will have to keep doing the virtual thing for a bit.
Hmmm...wonder what video I might find next that is pure fun and entertaining during COVID-19? If you know of one, do me a solid and send it my way! Facebook, Instagram, e-mail...there are so many ways to find me.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
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