The ABC’s of Living in Rochester
A - Attitudes. There is a weird mix of people that love Rochester, and then there are many that love to hate Rochester.
B - Bike paths
C - Crows and construction GALORE
D - Drivers be crazy
E - Everybody works at Mayo. Seriously...
F - Famous visitors
G - Geeeeeese
H - Half streets! Why so many half streets??
I - Insects: mosquitoes, lady bugs, stink bugs...
J - Jay walkers. It's real bad in downtown
L - Land of no natural lakes
M - Mother Mayo!
N - Nurses everywhere
O - Opportunities
P - Passive aggressive personalities
Q - Quality of living. Always named one of the best places to live.
R - Renting a mediocre place in Rochester will cost you a pretty penny
S - Second Street Waving Guy
T - Thursdays on 1st & 3rd
U - Unpredictable weather
V - Volunteers. There are more non-profits per capita in Rochester than any other city in the world.
W - Water tower! One of the best in the country... Or so they say lol
X - TedX Zumbro River
Y - You're just a short drive from the Twin Cities
Z - Zero places to park in downtown
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