Viral Facebook Post Chastises Rochester Citizens’ Negativity

If you spend any time on Facebook or Twitter, you know a lot of people seem to be really down on Rochester. So much negativity. It almost seems like people like to complain, maybe get some kinda kick from complaining. This guy, though, laid it pretty clear. How do you not know how great this place is?
Content Warning - Swears ahead. From Spotted in Rochester:
"Seriously guys? Why do you all act like Rochester is some terrible ghetto? Ive lived and traveled a whole lot of the United States Rochester is by far the lowest crime rate for a town of a general population of 100,000 people ive ever been too. What town this size doesnt have shootings, drugs, or gangs? And if that shit is going on its really none of your business as long as they leave you alone. This town is so safe and peaceful for its size if your genuinely scared of getting mugged or randomly murdered here like a lot of facebook posts and comments ive seen, i dont think you guys will be able to emotionally handle living anywhere outside of a cornfield in Iowa or some shit. Rochesters as good as it gets, quit talking shit about "high crime on here" and be thankful you dont live in a violent town please and thank you"
Here's the actual post. Yeah, I blocked out the name and picture. If you really wanna see it, just go to Spotted in Rochester.
The comment section is mostly filled with people saying the author is wrong, that Mayo is awful, and the worst news is hidden (FYI - I work with two of Rochester's finest news people and trust me, they're not hiding anything). Basically, they're commenting what I call "the usj" (pronounced yooosh).
Back in the day, it was in newspaper letters to the editor and I got plenty working on 106.9 KROC and now on Y-105FM. And they've been pretty consistent. Crime/drugs, Mayo Clinic, and hidden news.
Some of the complainers I've known for years and when they say, "Rochester wasn't like this when I was a kid..." I think, "I knew you when you were a kid...your parents were complaining just like you are now." And maybe that's the thing. Kids grow up learning from the people around them.
Of course, Rochester isn't perfect. Far from it. It is absolutely vital we keep working to improve it in many different areas. However, in the most basic way, Rochester is a very good place to live and work.
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