Does Minnesota’s Most Google Shopped Item Mean We’re All a Bunch of Hipsters?
The good folks at Estately are at it again. At the beginning of the year, the real estate website shared a map the highlighted the most Googled thing in each state in 2016. Now, they've come out with a new map showing the item most searched for on Google Shop. The top item in Minnesota might surprise a lot of people.
Undoubtedly, the state of Minnesota has a pretty strong hipster culture. In fact, a story on Buzzfeed suggested that the Land of 10,000 Lakes might well be the most hipster state in America! If that's truly the case, then our most Google Shopped item here in Minnesota makes total sense!
Turns out, according to Estately's research, that the item most searched for on Google Shop in Minnesota is... mustache wax! Yep, mustache wax! Perhaps we should start calling ourselves the Land of 10,000 Mustaches.
According to the Estately survey, other items that ranked high in our state included parachute pants, hunting packs and electric surfboards Seriously? Electric surfboards? What would we even do this those here in Minnesota?
If you think Minnesota's top item is weird, be glad we're not South Dakota. Their most Google Shopped item is exploding kittens. I didn't even know Google sold those things! Think about that as you're staring in the mirror, waxing your mustache...