Fareway Foods Announces Byron Store Opening Date!

As reported by Jessica Williams back in April, 2019,
It was announced yesterday by the City of Byron that they signed a purchase agreement with Fareway Stores, Inc for a 20,000 square foot grocery store. The opening is planned for 2020, so you will need to hold on to those grocery lists for just a bit, but this is definitely exciting news for everyone in the area! Read More HERE.
Fareway corporate spokesperson, Emily Toribio, says they'll host a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new business, at 1072 4th Street NE, Byron, at 11:30 AM, tho the store is opening, as it usually will, at 8 AM that morning.
She also talked about something I've not seen in a Fareway before...booze.
The 21,000 square foot Fareway grocery with a Spirits & More store provides for only the best in fresh, high quality meat; a full-service butcher counter; farm-fresh produce; low, competitive prices; and the highest level of customer service, including to-your-car carryout.
Byron Mayor Daryl Glassmaker will speak at the ribbon cutting, as well as Amber Ayen, Byron Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, and Reynolds W. Cramer, Fareway CEO & President.
Remember...mask up and social distance for Covid-19 protection.
Also, they're hiring!
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.
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