Minnesota Restaurant Owners Reveal How Much Wine is Marked Up
It's easy to drop a lot of cash when you go out for dinner. Your bill skyrockets when you start ordering drinks. Restaurants obviously mark up their prices to cover expenses and make a profit, but just how inflated our the prices?
Randy Caparoso, a restaurant wine consultant at Wine List Consulting Unlimited, told winemag.com: "Industry-wide markups average two and a half to three times wholesale cost. Results of a survey published in that article, show 70% of people who order wine think they're paying way too much. The owners of Mercy in Minneapolis, Mike Rakun and Scott Gardiner, agree.
Gardiner told KARE 11: "I think the industry standard of the three times markup has been there for so long, it's actually sometimes four times markup. They don't understand that the restaurant paid $25 for that bottle and they're getting charged $75 or $100." Rakun and Gardiner say their wine prices are listed a little above retail, which according to KARE 11 means, "you’ll find the same bottles of wine on their list at 50 percent less or more than other restaurants in town."
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