Most Embarrassing Moment in a Store with your kid?
We've all been there right? An embarrassing moment in a store with your kid? I have had my fair share but I'd say our recent trip to Target was by far probably the most embarrassing.
That fateful #facepalm moment went down in a blaze of glory and there was no coming back from it. My youngest and I were picking up groceries from Target. I was on a time crunch and we were running around quick since I needed to be home by a specific time. As we were walking down the big aisle and I’m pushing the cart - my bundle full of cuteness says really loud for the entire store and I believe the entire world to hear:
“Mom, don’t forget to pick up the crack!”
I stop the cart immediately. Other patrons slow down looking over at us.
Surprised and shocked, I said “ What do you mean?!” as people are staring at us. I’m mortified.
Then she said “For da pie.” Her big blue eyes peering up at me.
Abruptly, I corrected her: ”Crust.It’s crust. Never say crack again.” Looking perplexed, she asked why she couldn’t say the word "crack" and I couldn’t even conjure a response. I mumbled something illegible and moved quickly down another aisle to hide from the audience of potential Simon Cowell judges. As I was scampering down the aisles trying to locate items for our "crack pie", I couldn't help but chuckle at her innocence. Awe, to her age again.