Target to Test New Home Delivery Service in Minneapolis
Ugh, not again! You've run out of toilet paper at the most inopportune time. Guess that means another Target run, right? Not necessarily...
If you don't like to shop, or maybe you work a lot and have kids, then this should really help you out, as it'll make time for what you really enjoy instead of standing in line and fighting crowds.
This summer Target plans to test a potential solution to your shopping angst. The Minnesota-based company announced Monday that customers in Minneapolis will be part of a pilot program called 'Target Restock.'
According to an article in USA Today, Target didn't specify pricing but said delivery will be available for "a low, flat fee."
Here's how it will work: Consumers with a Target REDcard will visit an online site with access to many household items ranging from food to cleaning products. They can fill a box with multiple items and be charged a flat delivery fee.
Those products will then be packaged at a local Target store, and delivered to the customer's home before 1:30 p.m. the next business day.
Sound familiar? That's because Target sees what Amazon and Walmart are doing with their online delivery and wants in on the game.
Target team members are testing 'Target Restock' right now, and the pilot will be available to selected consumers in coming weeks.
So what do you think? Would you take advantage of this service if it were to become available in either Rochester location? Hy-vee offers a similar service here in Rochester. Have you used that? How did it work for you?