
Luster Premium White, a maker of teeth-whitening products, recently conducted a survey on selfies.  They found a person born after 1980 will take over 25,000 selfies in their lifetime.

Check out these other crazy survey results including how many hours a year we spend taking selfies and what percentage of people think it's OK to snap a selfie at a funeral or during childbirth:

1.  The average person spends 54 hours a year taking selfies.

2.  Over half of people fix their hair before they take a selfie and close to half of people admit to practicing their facial expression.

3.  The average selfie-taker spends up to seven minutes taking and retaking selfies to try to get a good one.

4. Close to half (47%) of women say it's fine to take a picture of themselves during childbirth.

5.  And one in five think it's acceptable to take a selfie during a funeral.


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