When you go to college there are so many different choices you have to make. What you're going to major in, what clubs you want to be in, and if you want to do any sports. Another big piece of college life is partying.

Going out, even if it's just you and a few friends having a good time, is kind of the quintessential college experience. For some people, partying in college is EVERYTHING. If that was you, did you pick your college because of the party scene?

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Plenty of people must because there was an annual study done that found the top party schools across the country and also by state. So we're going to take a look at Minnesota's top party school in a moment!

Top Party Schools in the US

The study was done by Niche, where people can rank different aspects of their school. 'Party Scene' is one of them and based on feedback, Niche ranked the top party schools.

Ryan McVay

The top 5 in the country include Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY) at number 5. Then The University of Alabama at number 4. Number 3 is Tulane University (New Orleans, LA) and number two is Florida State University. Finally, the top party school in the entire country is the University of California - Santa Barbara.

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No Minnesota school came in the top 20 in the country but the University of Iowa came in at number 16 in the country and the University of Wisconsin - Madison is number 6.

Top Party Schools in Minnesota

Now onto the top party schools in Minnesota! Only one of them really surprised me because I guess I had never heard of them as being a party school. The rest I kind of saw coming.

5. St. Cloud State University

St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State University

4. College of St. Benedict
(This is the one that surprised me. Also, St. John's is number 6.)

College of St. John's and College of St. Benedict's
College of St. John's and College of St. Benedict's

3. Winona State University

Winona State University
Winona State University

2. Minnesota State University - Mankato

University of Minnesota, Mankato
University of Minnesota, Mankato

1. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Were you surprised by any of our top 5?

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Gallery Credit: Samm Adams

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