‘Normal’ Thursdays Downtown in Rochester May Happen Again in 2021
I am so used to getting e-mails that say "canceled due to COVID" that I almost fell on the floor when I read the latest announcement from the organizers of Thursdays Downtown. The Rochester Downtown Alliance gave us a glimmer of hope today that one of Rochester's favorite summer events, Thursdays Downtown, will return in late 2021 with crowds.
I know. You need a moment to process that...so go ahead and let it sink in that we may possibly have a normal Thursday's Downtown experience again this year.
Planning has started for 2021 events with the Rochester Downtown Alliance and right now, their focus for the first half of the year is socially distant events to help keep everyone safe due to COVID. Right now, Improv-ICE is going on in the Peace Plaza, an adaptation of Social Ice due to the pandemic. The organizers stated in their announcement that they are making plans for events with crowds for the later part of the year.
“Safety is our top priority. We want to keep our community’s health top of mind while providing something they can enjoy downtown,” said Monika Kopet, RDA director of events & strategic partnerships. “For the first half of 2021, we’ll focus on more passive experiences and envision the second half of the year to center more on the crowd-gathering events as in a typical year.”
Graham Briggs, director of Olmsted County Public Health went on to explain in the announcement, “We are cautiously optimistic that outdoor events including Thursdays Downtown will be possible during the second half of 2021. As vaccines for COVID-19 become more widely available there is hope that we will see new cases continue to shrink over the next few months. We’ve seen throughout the pandemic the future is difficult to predict but supporting local businesses downtown while enjoying a summer evening in Rochester might not be that far off.”
Not sure about you, but my heart just jumped for joy when I read that. They are saying there is a chance...and that is all I need.
Check out the other events that are being planned for you in 2021:
Downtown Rochester Activities For 2021
What event in downtown Rochester do you love the most? Let me know on my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams