Canvas and Chardonnay in Rochester Is Haunted! – [VIDEO]
See pictures, and hear the owner's story right here.
After sharing a story of the rumored hauntings at Quarry Hill, some listeners and even the owner of Canvas and Chardonnay shared their spirit experiences at the business.
The building that houses Canvas and Chardonnay was built in 1880.
A man by the name of Ferris Alexander owned the building, and it's rumored that he filmed x-rated movies there. He was convicted of 25 felonies. You can read more about Alexander here.
According to Lisa Schneider, the owner of Canvas and Chardonnay, a customer took this picture with her phone. It's easy to see the strange shadow visible in the upper right-hand corner of the photo.
"Back then, the tables were pushed against the wall at the end, so it's not someone moving past that corner fast. It's not a shadow, because as you know we have lights in the wall soffits, so the walls are lit, so you can't really cast a shadow on the walls.
After that, Hawk and After Hours Paranormal came out to investigate, and they caught dozens of different voices! I fully expected them to catch one voice, but they recorded dozens."
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