The #1 Place Rochester Listeners Want to Go on Their Dream Vacation
People are starting to think about summer vacations, where do you want to go? We asked our listeners and here are the places they'd most like to visit on their dream vacation:
Rachel Hebig said she'd love to go on an African Safari, Tamra Hutton wants to take her kids to Disney Land, and Sara Edwards said she'd love to visit Alaska or Canada. You can see what other listeners are saying in the Facebook post below. The most popular response was Hawaii!
A recent nationwide survey revealed the most popular destination of a dream vacation is Australia. Whether you want to go there or to Hawaii or simply to the Wisconsin Dells, we can help pay for the trip! Listen for the 2K a Day Giveaway on 106.9 KROC! Each weekday we're giving you two chances to win $1,000! Listen to win at 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.