Two Rochester DJs Featured in Viral Video
Apparently, we are fabulous actors! Dunken and I (Samm) made a goofy video not long ago, talking about noises coming from the basement of the radio station. We decided to investigate live on Facebook. Think "Scary Movie" kind of bad video.
Someone caught wind of said video and featured us as number 6 in their "11 Haunted Basement Ghost Sightings Caught on Tape." Now, I don't know how legit this guy is, but his (Chills) YouTube page is filled with paranormal activity and he has millions of followers.
My favorite line, "we'll never know if it was paranormal activity or common boiler room problems!" I assure you this was boiler room issues. However, we have had some interesting activity in our old building. While I've never witnessed it myself, I've heard plenty of stories from my coworkers, and totally get an uneasy feeling when I'm solo in the basement.
Here's our original video:
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