Where is the New Minnesota State Fair Food List for 2022?
Every day I have been waking up, coming to work, and opening the same website link hoping to see a list of new Minnesota State Fair foods. And every day I'm greeted with this message:
We're cooking up something delicious for 2022! Check back this summer when we announce the brand-new food options added to our already expansive menu of 500 food options! If you’d like to be among the first to learn about State Fair news, including the list of new foods, join our email list.
I'm on the email list, trust me. I live for this list every year, I meticulously sift through all the options, picking out the ones I want and perfectly map my way around the fairgrounds eating it in the perfect order. I'm a freak for state fair food, and not knowing what new foods are coming this year is killing me.

Last year the new fair food list came out on June 29th. I know because I posted it on our website that day. But this year, it is July 7th as I write this and there are no new foods to be found.
The Great Minnesota Get-Together is only 48 days away at this point, and I'm getting antsy. I have an eating map to make, and I need to know how to balance past year's favorites and this year's new finds.
Hopefully by putting this out into the world it will make the food list magically show up. Like when you ask your friend if they have seen your phone anywhere and then you magically find it. Until then, let's drool over last year's new foods.
New Minnesota State Fair Foods for 2021
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